Dec 31, 2009


Medical registries are systematic collections of data about certain diseases.
They have become very important tools for physicians who can access relevant medical information of many patients with same diagnossis and treatments. The records within registries enables to follow patterns in disease diagnosis, treatment and/or survival patterns over time.

There are registries for cancer diseases as well as other therapeutical areas. A recent article in the NYT has a detailed overview of a registry of cystic fybrosis patients and its contribution in fighting the disease.

As registries become more widespread, it is important for companies to review their role and cooperation with such initiatives. Whether it is data or sponsorship that pharma provides, the benefits lie with the connection between the medical community and the industry.

Drug Ads

International Booth In USA

A big share of physicians attending congresses in the US come from abroad, so it is important that marketing efforts are directed both to local and international audiences. However, the drug labeling often differ between countries, and cetrain information or messaging that is approved for the international audience might not be approved for presentation to American one.

So how can you present information in a medical both that is aimed only to international audience? How to prevent American physicians from being part of the exposure?

A good example is the booth that Tamooz has designed for Roche at the American Association of Hematology annual meeting in New Orleans. In this case, the international MabThera (Rituximab) booth was designed as a closed space where only international delegates were allowed in.

As physicians came in they found an intimate space secluded from all the hustle and bustle of the exhibition floor. Excellent Italian coffeee together with an inviting sitting area imitated a European coffee house which was appreciated by the international delegates. The booth has served as a good platform for generating discussions between the delegates and Roche representatives.