You have a drug or a medical device which deserves and needs a strong brand recognition. And then you have the research and/or technology that supports the drug or device that can enjoy branding in its own right...
Should they have completely separated branding or related branding?
Technology and research form the scientific and medical support for the product. Bold branding of it might seem inappropriate. However, a recognizable connection between the product and its scientific foundation provides a strong link to the most important messages of the brand.
I think such cases need careful examination. There is no one right answer. The right approach depends on the therapeutical area, the type and scope of studies, and the strength of the existing brand, among other things.

For Saizen, a growth hormone made by Merck Serono, the approach to build a strong family brand was a good solution. The branding of scientific projects with relation to the brand family meant an immediate differentiation. In the mind of physicians, there was a strong relation between Merck's product and significant research.
Gilad Karni